VRAcademi – Embrace creativity: Creative Design Using VR workshop
Embrace creativity: Creative Design Using VR workshop 📅 Jul 15, 2023

Welcome to Summer Camp, where creativity and innovation converge in the realm of Virtual Reality. In this blog, we shine a spotlight on Week 2’s exciting workshop: Creative Design Using VR. Join us and embark on a journey of brainstorming, storytelling, filming, editing, and immersive sharing. This workshop will empower you to unleash your creative vision and transform it into captivating virtual experiences.

Unleash your creative potential at Summer Camp with a diverse range of workshops that will inspire and empower you. Dive into the world of art and design, breaking free from traditional constraints and experimenting with innovative techniques. Explore the fusion of technology and design, bringing your ideas from the virtual realm to reality. Experience the therapeutic benefits of creative expression, reducing stress and anxiety along the way. Gain insights into working with AI and discover its applications in the creative process. Develop a strong foundation in music theory, understanding different styles, beats, bars, and phrasing, to enhance your artistic projects.

Workshop Details: During Week 2, (refer to our website https://vracademi.com/summer-camp.html for timings) participants will engage in a series of hands-on activities to enhance their creative design skills using VR technology. Key topics covered include:

  1. Brainstorming and Story Development: Learn the art of brainstorming to explore compelling topics, aims, objectives, and messages that your story needs to convey. Develop your story, script, and storyboard to lay the foundation for your creative journey.

  2. GoPro Max 360 Camera: Discover the capabilities of the GoPro Max 360 camera, including its features and functionalities. Gain insights into capturing immersive footage that will bring your ideas to life.

  3. Film Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro: Dive into the world of film editing using industry-standard software, Adobe Premiere Pro. Learn the fundamentals of editing, analysing raw footage, and converting GoPro footage for optimal editing.

  4. Enhancing with Audio: Explore the role of audio in film creation. Discover how to apply music, sound effects, and voiceovers to enrich your storytelling and create a captivating audiovisual experience.

  5. Output Formats and Sharing: Gain an understanding of different output formats for 360 videos. Learn how to host your films on platforms such as YouTube and Meta Quest TV, enabling you to view and share your creations in virtual reality,

    and much more…

Fees and Registration: The Creative Design Using VR workshop is available for a fee of 999 AED. Secure your spot now and join us to unleash your creativity and master the art of immersive storytelling using VR technology.

Experience the pinnacle of creativity in Week 2 of Summer Camp with the captivating Creative Design Using VR workshop. Enrol today in Summer Camp and unlock the full potential of your creativity through the immersive world of VR. Do not miss out on this opportunity to embark on a remarkable creative adventure!

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